Monday 17 February 2025
The new features of iScen 1.50

-Google Maps integration: you can create scenarios that take place directly on Google Maps. This lets you design faster and enjoy the quality and accuracy of Google Maps. You can also combine 3D objects (vehicles, etc.) with the Google Maps view. (NB: An Internet connection is required to play a scenario with this feature)

-Ability to create “SOLO” scenarios: a scenario created in SOLO mode can only be played by a single user, and is not moderated. This mode allows you to design classic serious games in which the learner is autonomous and plays against the computer, without the need for a moderator or other participants. Possible applications: learning with multimedia multiple-choice questionnaires, point-and-click games, educational games, etc.

-Use of the webcam directly within a scenario: after taking a photo, it can be dynamically applied to any object. This feature allows players to use their own photo as an avatar in the scenario. These images can also be used in message headers to help identify participants.

-Addition of an automatic “Locations Map” display mode: this display mode, which can be accessed while designing a scenario and while running it, lets you view thumbnails of all the locations in a scenario. The layout and size of each location thumbnail is adjustable, and the links allowing you to switch from one location to another (using “DOOR”-type objects) are visible. During a game session, this display is especially useful to the moderator or observers, who can follow participants’ progress in real time and/or directly access a location with a simple click of the mouse.

-Geolocalization: this allows you to read and use GPS coordinates in a scenario (for example, to view positions on a map). This feature is especially useful for creating “full-scale” scenarios, in which participants’ actual positions can be incorporated.

-Recognition of QR CODES (or Flashcodes): with the use of a webcam, these QRCODEs can be photographed and decoded within a scenario. This feature is well suited to “full-scale” scenarios, for which the user can place QRCODEs in actual locations, which then constitute key components in the scenario’s progress.

-Integration of Truetype fonts (.ttf or .ttc files) of your choice. And thanks to UNICODE support, this allows you to use fonts for non-Latin alphabets.

In addition, this new version contains numerous enhancements to the network aspect and interface, as well as various bug corrections and updates to the user manual.

Finally, the next update will include new features, such as the option to use client versions on iPad or Android tablets, and the ability to incorporate your own 3D models.
If you would like to see certain features added to our tool, you can share them with us by contacting us at